Thursday, July 2, 2009


Not having a computer really sucks. I'm saving up for a new laptop though, so by the time school starts, that will be fixed (since I got a couple other things I need to save up for as well) But anyway, summer goin good, got a job which I love out in Culver City, the weather finally decided to act right and I'm finally dark again lol, been swimmin, to a couple BBQ's, gettin ready for the 4th of July woop woop! I havent been out in a couple weeks actually though, so I'm ready to get back into it... slowly.

Here's a few shots from Hyde
a few weeks back that I am just now seeing, lol.

Drake was in the Buildin =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congratulations on the job, where do you work? (if you don't mind me asking of course)

you look pretty in the pictures

why does drake look like hes frickin 30? lmao